Leni Krsova - Level Designer & Lecturer

Experiences and fun facts from videogame practice & research

Enchanted Village

Personal project in UE5 - Level Design, Scripting

Design goal:

Have a playable and spatially readable level with a minimalistic gameplay scripted using Blueprints. Player’s objective is to gather items and solve basic enviromental puzzles.

As this is my first playable project made with Unreal Engine 5, I used this opportunity to learn how to navigate UE5 and get familiar with its level design tools as well as learn how to use Blueprints.


Initial sketch & Inspiration

I sketched the initial layout on a paper, which works well for me to jot basic ideas for a level I want to design.

In early stages of the sketch I wanted to have a starting area where player can orient themselves and understand the basic gameplay mechanics, then move them into a small settlement, and consequently lead them towards a vantage point elevated above it.

Iteration process

As I was building the level, I had to adjust elevation to make the landscape more readable. I also added a starting area. I used visual signposting to capture a player’s eyes and curiosity, which would then lead them to move further into the direction I wanted.

Landmark on the hill (windmill)
Scripted features
  • Mapping inputs for a player controller
  • Rotation of windmill fantail
  • UI prompts

Applied assets & tools

  • Unreal Engine 5 (for meshes and Blueprints)
  • Advanced Village Pack: https://www.advancedpacks.com/#AdvancedVillagePack
  • Fantastic Village Pack: https://www.tidalflask.com/store/BxYz/fantastic-village-pack
  • Milanote for moodboard
  • ReMarkable tablet for sketching/notes